Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?
~ Mary Oliver
I am a OneSpirit Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counsellor based in the South-East of England. I am passionate about creating authentic and meaningful ceremonies that celebrate and honour life in all its fullness.
I work with people of all faiths and none to craft ceremonies that reflect the individual values, beliefs, and traditions of those that I meet. Whether it is a baby blessing, a marriage ceremony, a funeral service, or the many other rites of passage that shape our lives, I bring an abundance of experience, creativity and love to all that I do.
In addition to ceremony and services, I offer 1:1 spiritual counselling and soul work. I also work as a hospice chaplain, journeying alongside people as they travel through life and loss in its many forms, and I am a trained funeral celebrant.
Training & Experience
OneSpirit Interfaith Minister
If you'd like to learn more about the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation please click here.
Funeral Celebrant
Trained with the award-wininng Green Fuse, Totnes.
Hospice Chaplain
I am an Interfaith Chaplain at Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care in Surrey (
Shamanic Practitioner
I have been studying with Manda Scott since 2005; in addition to shamanic dreaming and journeying around the medicine wheel, I have trained in advanced healing, plant spirit medicine and psychopomping:
Movement of Being
I attend regular retreats and workshops with Fanny Behrens and Colin Harrison, exploring Presence and Awakening work through movement, meditation, group dialogue and enquiry:
So who am I?
I am an artist and a dreamer; a healer, a dancer, an everyday mystic. My spiritual path has been an embodied pilgrimage through sacred circle dance and 5 Rhythms; it has been a spiralling journey of Shamanic Dreaming and Movement Medicine; it has been an exploration of Advaita Vedanta, an ongoing to surrender to what is... awakening to the now that is always available, to the Boundless Awareness at the heart of the universe. It remains an emerging and ongoing surrender to life and all its mystery.
Through my work, I seek to open people to a deeper sense of connection: to themselves, to one another, to life, and to the world around us. I am delighted to offer this sacred work to the world, and to journey alongside people as they cross life’s profound thresholds.